Son Altesse Sérénissime (His Serene Highness) is a series of espionage novels created by French author Gérard de Villiers, featuring prince Malko Linge as the lead character. Since 2006, the novels have been published in comic books, though aimed mainly at adults given their contents.
The novel's title is a play on initials: Son Altesse Sérénissime (SAS) is the French version of "His Serene Highness" (HSH); and the British Special Air Service (SAS) is the principal special forces unit of the British Army.
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In order to finance the repairs of his castle in Austria, main character Malko Linge works as a freelance agent for the CIA. The CIA sends him on dangerous missions all over the world. He has an excellent memory and speaks several languages fluently and prefers to wear tailor-made alpaca suits. He carries an ultra-small gun.
The following supporting characters regularly appear in the S.A.S. espionage novels:
Some books have been turned into movies.